Feature articles on The Whatcom Excavator are generally published anonymously. This is a forum for ideas, not personalities. Many citizens contribute perspective, insight and information on topics and issues of public interest. It's a team effort and a 1st Amendment free association of citizen journalists. We see no value in adding a personal dimension to the discourse.
Publius was a well-known pseudonym for revolutionaries from an earlier time. The contributors to The Federalist Papers did not identify themselves at the time of publication. This approach to public debate is not unprecedented. Clearly these are politically charged times; unfortunately retaliation is a known risk in any age.
The Excavator digs deep with its investigative reporting, and offers editorial, free-speech opinion, but does not engage in (or tolerate) libel. A risk of anonymity is irresponsible journalism. We invite our readers to enforce responsibility. If you doubt the veracity of our claims, by all means contact us and make your case. We welcome spirited, constructive dialog.
All posts provide publicly available links and public record source material that readers are encouraged to study, and to weigh on merit. Anyone with a modicum of curiosity and interest can check facts, connect the dots, and reach their own conclusions.
Ultimately WE – a consortium of citizen journalists - respect readers’ ability to discern truth in its own right when truth can be found.
If that explanation seems too enigmatic for you, we have prepared a short video that we hope will elucidate further: