The Whatcom Excavator |
Introductory Resources
October 15, 2013 - Tom DeWeese American Policy Center - Update Agenda 21 - Nov 9 2011, Program Video Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center Presentation to Northwest Business Club, Bellingham Agenda 21 for Dummies (YouTube Video) Agenda 21 – Planning a New World Order April 18, 2011 Freedom Foundation Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 (Website) Agenda 21 - Conspiracy Theory or Real Threat? July 2, 2011 by Rachel Alexander - Additional Resources: U.N. Blueprint for 21st Century by Green-Agenda How We Have Resisted Agenda 21 Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 (Website Page) National Strategy for a Sustainable America Wikipedia Ratification Status, U.N. "Rio Convention" 1992 "Kyoto Protocol" 1998-99 Key Quotations: "We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." -Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level." Excerpt, UN Agenda 21 |
Agenda 21 - United NationsU.N. Headquarters
760 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Agenda 21 is a long term plan devised by the United Nations in 1992 intended to change the world's political structure to a new global model. In a series of little known presidential executive orders (see Executive Order 12852) the United States began to participate in its global dictums. Many of the U.N. treaties related to Agenda 21 have never been ratified by Congress (such as the Koyto Protocol), but departmental directives proceed just as if they were. While the whole idea may seem like a remote and theoretical oddity that doesn't relate to life in Whatcom County, WE has discovered that both Whatcom County government and the City of Bellingham have been members of an organization named ICLEI for years -- and ICLEI is directly committed to Agenda 21's milestones and goals. Social engineering and behavior modification are some of the true objectives being implemented under the guise of environmental and climate protection. This is accomplished by exploiting people's desire to maintain a healthy and lasting environment in the name of sustainability. A look through Agenda 21's Chapter 4, Changing Consumption Patterns, illustrates how ordinary everyday activities are considered "unsustainable." Many Agenda 21 reports suggest that sustainability requires de-growth. It is ICLEI’s goal to implement United Nation’s climate change and "sustainability" policies that must ultimately restructure our representative form of government through global and regional development (take a moment to view their slide show). Unchecked, Agenda 21 policies and programs take control from our representative government and put it into the hands of federal and regional agencies and non-elected boards. This allows elected officials to shirk their responsibilities. Governance by committee and by public-private partnership is effectively a soviet system that is based on Regionalism. Agenda 21 facilitates both communism and fascism. Agenda 21's references to regionalism and its reliance on bureaus would effectively end directly representative and accountable government as we know it. The U.N. has little interest in defined limits and free markets, which are the basis of our free and just society. |