A town hall? A federal cabinet secretary is conducting a town hall "on [the] future of San Juan Islands"? And this will be in Anacortes (on the mainland) when islanders have to travel by ferry - that's sensitive. (NOT) And with 48 hours notice - sensitive? (NOT) See Salazar's press notice at the bottom of this post, read the whole thing.
WE ask: How dare they? This is the federal role? To manage local affairs?
Our own elected invited this, encouraged this. Whatcom County council wrote a resolution supporting the idea of more federal management in the area just last September. WE knew the feds wanted to expand their grip on the region when WE reported on the Chuckanut Rocks and Lummi Island federal re-designations as part of this same program.
Alarm bells are now ringing through the San Juans, as they should. Beware, be wary, and spread the word. Attend, speak your mind if you want to hold on to any local identity and control. Those we've elected seem to get a thrill up their leg mixing with the big guys; some will do anything for the almighty federal buck. This "Great America Initiative" will supposedly protect yet promote "back country wildlands." Most input has been provided upstream from pushy outside power-players referred to as "other interested parties," like the Sierra Club, Conservation Northwest, and the heavily funded land-bankers with a big stake in overseeing "development," "growth," and what passes for "critical areas." They don't seem to give much of a fig about how this affects residents' lives. They'll make big policy, you'll be forced to abide by their decrees, as in dayes of olde. Every string attached to this big net of "protection" is intended to tie us down tighter, denying individual liberty and our most simple, basic natural right to self-determination. Is this serious? Oh, yes.
From San Juan CAPR
February 16, 2012
On short notice an announcement has been made that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Sen. Maria Cantwell will hold a "town meeting" to talk about the future of the San Juan Islands on Saturday. Please see the messages.
The original plan was to turn the San Juan’s into a Nat’l. Monument but they are instead now looking at a National Conservation Area (NCA) designation (note that they describe the islands as “back country” below!). NCA’s are administered by the Bureau of Land Management and special conservation rules apply to public lands within the NCA. However, this is a back door land grab as the surrounding properties are compelled to follow the same rules! By any other name, this is theft of private property.
If you can, please be in Anacortes on Saturday to loudly voice your opposition. Also alert friends and acquaintances and especially those who live on the Islands who might not get the word.
Jeff Wright
Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights
Nahal Hamidi
Special Assistant
Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Office of the Secretary
Department of the Interior
While you're at it, why not share your opinion about this with Senator Cantwell
(click here)