The gun-grabbers will have to trample through a lot of binding contractual protections between the Government and We the People, in order to infringe on this and all of our other natural rights.
In the end, we'd still have those rights, though to exercise them would merely put us at odds with a tyrannical regime, as another local blogger succinctly put it. Sadly, we'd have lots of company down through history.
That number again is 1-800-562-6000. Dial it, and let Olympia lawmakers know where you stand on House Bill 1371 which protects existing laws and rights. Here's something to add if you'd like: Many thousands of responsibly owned firearms sit legally and silently at the ready in city and rural homes and places of business lawfully, to deter untold numbers of crimes, without ever being wielded, or a shot being fired. The misguided criminalization of responsible and law-abiding behavior will never "solve" anything.