Special guest Speaker:
Don Easterbrook, Ph.D., Professor (Emeritus) Geology, Western Washington University will present Impacts of Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, and Envision 2060 in Skagit County, April 4, 2014 FRIDAY 7:00 PM.
Zach Barborinas, Mike Newman, John Roozen will discuss Skagit County Property Owners: Citizens or Subjects? Skagit Water Rights. People, the Law, the Rulings, May 9, 2014 FRIDAY 6:00 PM
Special guest Speaker:
Tim Ball, Ph.D. Professor (Ret) Geology, University of Winnipeg will present The Climate. Science Based on Evidence, May 30, 2014 FRIDAY 7:00 PM.
Meetings Open to All. FREE Admission, at SKAGIT PUD, AQUA ROOM 1415 Freeway Dr. Mt. Vernon.
Click here for more information.