It continues,
Private property rights continue to be under assault across America. Perhaps more alarming is the disappearance of private property altogether. This major shift away from a fundamental tenet of our nation - the right to own and use private property - is due, in part, to a plan that has been at work in the USA for the past twenty years. That plan is called Agenda 21.
Skagit county has finished it's work on the Envision Skagit 2060 plan which will impose Agenda 21 style control over our communities.
The email provides several links to expose and educate people about Agenda 21, and the anti-individual, watermelon movement. (Watermelons are green on the outside and red on the inside: collectivists, who use the environment to stampede otherwise skeptical citizens into forfeiting their individual rights for the collective, out of fear of sensationalized Chicken Little scenarios.)
The meeting took place June 21, 2012. Kate Martin reports on GoSkagit.com,
MOUNT VERNON — By the end of the century, fall flooding on the Skagit River will be more severe, catastrophic coastal flooding could happen every year and salmon could be further endangered by low summer runoff, a University of Washington climate scientist told a packed house Thursday morning.
University of Washington’s Alan Hamlet with the Climate Impacts Group explained how climate change is expected to affect the Skagit River. His talk focused on how greenhouse gases, like those created with the burning of fossil fuels, will cause Earth’s temperature to rise.
The story continues,
Several people challenged Hamlet during the question-and-answer period, including Don Easterbrook, a geology professor emeritus at Western Washington University and a renowned climate science skeptic. Easterbrook contested the numbers upon which the projections were based, including the amount of atmospheric water vapor, a greenhouse gas.
Hamlet said he was not convinced by Easterbrook’s arguments because the data he sees includes “very good measurements of the water content in the atmosphere.” Hamlet added that while specific temperature and sea level rise projections are often wrong, the general trend is an increase of both.
“What the climate models do give us is the trajectory, and they are so unambiguous about that trajectory going forward,” Hamlet said.
One man asked why Hamlet used what he called “optomistic projections.” The man said the carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere are increasing, not staying level.
WE think the kinds of governments that have the dictatorial power to force people from technologies and behaviors of their own free choice to that of the government's choosing, consistently have much lower environmental quality than that of freer governments. Why would this change just because they're our dictators?
Fads come and go, and fads are no more or less common among the people than they are among the anointed government elites. Furthermore, the free market doesn't require an act of congress to change direction if real problems are encountered.