There's way to much "volunteer visioning" going on these days, do you think? There's been one "workshop" or "community meeting" after another, most entirely one-sided, pre-programmed consensus affairs principally run by advocates and proponents. WE dredged and it seems that this event's organizers Kilanowski and Jimerson are doubling up, tied to both WSU "Carbon Masters" and WWIN (like WSU's Blake). Special interests galore, most funded by tax dollars and grants. Think there would be any spin at an event like this? Nothing but.
All Hail the Nanny State! You know, all this wouldn't bother me so much if it was left to the earnest but crazy guy on the street corner, holding the "repent!" sign. It's his job, and his first amendment right to convince me to repent, and it's my job and my right to decide if I need what he's selling, or not. The non-establishment clause of the first amendment prevents him from co-opting government into forcing me to join his religion -- at least the Judeo-Christian ones, it seems. Increasingly today though, we have social justice and environmental prophets who are seemingly immune from the non-establishment clause, digging their tendrils ever deeper into my personal affairs. They have all the trappings of a faith-based religion, except the name.
They wrap themselves in the garb of science, but all they have done is trade traditional vestments for a lab coat, with none of the objective scientific rigor. Put your money where your mouth is! Do what it takes to give me reliably reproducible science. Maybe then I'll join your cause -- not your religion. But attempts to coerce me by the force of government is only going to make me, and more people than you may realize, resentful and reactionary. Just gimme some truth! Signed, Publius