WE DID IT!!! After local politician's denied both a public hearing and a vote by the people in regards to the Automatic Ticketing Cameras, the Transportation Safety Coalition sponsored a petition to ensure that public opinion is represented properly. Finally that vote will occur due to all the amazing support we have gotten from you!
Two weeks ago, the TSC turned in signatures of nearly 7,000 Bellingham voters, more than double the number needed to put it to a public vote. Voters were eager to sign on to our initiative – Let The Voters Decide on Automatic Ticketing Cameras in Bellingham. They did so because our initiative isn’t about whether you’re for or against the automatic ticketing cameras. This is about who should decide: the people or the politicians.
We firmly believe that on this issue, our elected officials have an irreconcilable, built-in conflict-of-interest because of the millions upon millions of dollars they stand to profit from the ticketing cameras. It’s not that they’re bad people; it’s that they just can’t be objective. The people, however, have no such conflict-of-interest. They are able to make the best judgment call on whether the ticketing cameras costs outweigh their benefits.
Important Campaign Meeting - Our first meeting since we succeeded in the petition process! Save the date, its two weeks from now. Ask questions, understand how we will be operating until the November Vote and enjoy the free coffee!
Thursday July 21st at Bellingham's WECU Education Center Downtown
Thursday July 21st · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
600 E Holly St Bellingham, WA 98225-4711
Get Directions (360) 676-1168
Regards, Johnny Weaver [email protected]