The article begins,
Are you Hispanic, black, Asian, Jewish, gay, young, old, poor, or a woman? Well, then you may have heard that conservatives like me hate you. In fact, I'm sure you've probably heard some version of it a hundred times since it seems to be the standard rap for liberals these days. "Those conservatives are racists! They hate Hispanics! They're homophobes! They're Nazis! They're engaged in a war on women!"
Sliming the opposition is an effective strategy to win over the low-information voter. If you can paint the opposition as an evil person, the weak-minded will automatically dismiss any argument, candidacy or policy proposal the opposition may present. WE think this is a horrible state of affairs, and sadly, it seems to have permeated the dialog in good ol' Whatcom County.
WE could go on, but the article pretty much says it all. Continue reading...