Michelle Malkin notes on her blog,
"Australian climate change professor Chris Turney, passengers and media hoping to get pictures penguins windsurfing where ice should be set out on an expedition to demonstrate the effects of global warming on Antarctica. The ship and all on board have now been trapped in ice for almost a week and counting".
Climate scientists are still trying to prove the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis, evidently after having missed the memo that the Earth hasn't warmed for some fifteen to seventeen years. Some climate scientists are even predicting a cooling trend. Nature seems to abhor an agenda even more than it abhors a vacuum.
"The Academic Shokalskiy set off from New Zealand on November 28 to recreate a 100-year-old Australasia expedition first sailed by Sir Douglas Mawson to see how the journey changes using new technology and equipment.
But on Wednesday morning, the boat hit a mass of thick ice sheets and today remains at a stand still.
Chris Turney, an Australian professor who helped organise the voyage on the Russian ship, yesterday posted a photograph on Twitter apparently showing the Chinese vessel, a speck on the horizon beyond an expanse of ice."
In the Antarctic summer of 1912, this same waterway was not encumbered by ice:
(Read the Michelle Malkin article...) (Read the Mail Online article... -- nice pictures!)