People, it looks like this is your last chance to speak up on Whatcom County's proposed resolution that would add three points of land -- Chuckanut Rock, Lummi Rocks, and Carter Point of Lummi Island -- to the Bureau of Land Management's inventory of "national conservation areas." On September 9th, this resolution was held for further consideration by the "natural resources committee" -- but that's comprised of Sam Crawford, Bill Knutzen and Carl Weimer. Since Crawford the one who proposed this in the first place, who thinks it won't be rubber-stamped without question? Let's hope there are at least a few questions. This will have lasting significance.
What's wrong with doing this? Check out our original post. Most folks agree, even on council, that there's little about those two rock features or Carter Point that particularly rises to "national significance." But chatter around local campfires says that local eco activists are HOT to see them added to the federal bill that Cantwell, Murray and Larsen have been cobbling up, along with BLM Director Ken Salazar at the behest of the White House.
The worst part of this county resolution - read it yourself here -- is that it sets a very low bar and sets a bad precedent by bestowing ecological signifcance to properties without any real scientific basis. This says all three are "ecologically important sites" in these ways:
Lummi Rocks and Carter Point - because they're located in close proximity to another place - the DNR Lummi Island Natural Resource Conservation Area. Close proximity makes these important? That's pretty thin, but this will "make it so" officially.
Chuckanut Rock -- because it's located in Chuckanut Bay? "...a high value scenic, recreational, and ecological area..." with conservation easements? That's enough to qualify as a nationally recognized place, also with ecological significance?
This resolution also blesses everything else Salazar plans for the San Juans. Real slam dunk for eco activism. After this passes, whatever's near these will become "signficant" too? People, this is a rolling "ecology" domino table. Watch out Whatcom!
It's not too late to write, call, or show up. The committee hearing is at 9:30 in council chambers, and this is already on the evening agenda for final passage. The full day's agenda is here. Maybe there's a free trip to Washington D.C. in it for local proponents who "ink" the deal. Nothing would surprise us, at this point.