The Leap Manifesto: A Call for Caring for the Earth and One Another
This is our sacred duty to those this country harmed in the past, to those suffering needlessly in the present and to all who have the right to a bright and safe future.
This is a suicide pact. If everyone did what they demand, then food, medical, transportation ... would be gone. Death, poverty and pestilence would reign supreme. Smart phones and the internet that they use to network, and to organize all of their rallies would be gone too. Maybe they could be just as effective using the Pony Express.
Alternative power just doesn't cut it. Not at the current state of technology, and probably not in 20 years either. We can always be working on solutions, but you can't force it, and you can't legislate it.
"I kenna change the laws 'o physics, Captain!" ~ Montgomery Scott (Star Trek, TOS)
Oh yes, there would be food, medical and transportation for the elites, the rulers. But nowhere near the price and quantity needed to sustain the rest of the world’s current population. And doncha know, WE know, they want to reduce the world’s human population too. To them WE say, “Okay, if you want it so badly, you first!”
Oh yes, the Manifesto is definitely a leap, toward the Middle Ages. And this reads like various "action plans" some factions and bureaucrats are hell-bent on imposing here, dun' it? Mind you, these people are welcome to practice their religion, but how about keeping that out of the public square, please.
In response, and in humor, WE just had to share the following:
Life without fossil fuels: a modest proposal
by Christine Whitaker
The Leader-Post, Sept 30, 2015
Author Naomi Klein and her supporters, promoting their Leap Manifesto (otherwise known as the “Tommunist Manifesto”), proudly assert that they now have 10,000 signatures to this document, most of which are “celebrities” and left-wing politicians, including, of course, David Suzuki.
This document starts from the premise that Canada is facing the deepest crisis in recent memory. The basic concept is that we must put an end to the use of fossil fuels; that we could live in a country powered only by renewable energy; that we could get 100 per cent of our electricity from renewable resources within the next two decades.
I wonder if these people realize that, to achieve this goal, there would need to be hundreds of thousands of wind turbines across the land. There would not be a single acre of rural Canada free of those monstrosities. Someone would also need to invent commercial airliners powered by clean energy, and there would no longer be any trucks to deliver food to the city stores. The whole manifesto is ridiculous.
So this is my counter-manifesto. It is equally silly, but I make no apologies. This is how Klein and company want our children and grandchildren to live.
Article 1: All persons who sign the Leap Manifesto, including Suzuki, should be immediately placed on an international no-fly list. They must never again be allowed to travel on planes powered by fossil fuels.
Article 2: All signatories will immediately have all their gasoline-powered vehicles confiscated.
Article 3: All public utilities (power, natural gas, water, telephone lines) will be disconnected from their homes.
Article 4: They must construct, at their own expense, on their own property, solar panels and/or wind turbines to provide for their own energy needs — but no fossil-fuel-powered equipment may be used to do the work. They must also dig their own wells (by hand, of course) and install hand pumps to bring the water to their kitchen sink, or they may use their own wind power to pump the water to the house.
Article 5: They will no longer be allowed to own cellphones, televisions, any furniture or other article of any kind that is made of plastic.
Article 6: They may no longer wear any kind of clothing consisting of man-made materials. They must keep a couple of sheep, spin and weave their own wool and make their own clothes. They will also be permitted to cut down one medium-sized tree per year to carve out clogs for all the family, and handles for their tools.
Article 7: They may not eat any vegetables or grains produced by farmers who use tractors powered by fossil fuels, or transported to grocery stores by truck. They must grow their own produce on their own property and cultivate the land by hand.
Article 8: Likewise, they may not eat meat. They will not even be permitted to keep cows or pigs for meat as they produce methane gases. They may keep chickens for eggs, and they may eat fish if they live near a river or ocean where they can catch it for themselves, but they may only fish from the shore or from a row boat.
Article 9: If they produce enough of their own wind power, they may own an electric car for use on their own property. However, they may not drive it on any public roads made or maintained by petroleum products. If they need to leave their homes for any purpose, they must walk. They may not even keep a horse, as that, too, will produce methane gas.
Article 10: They may continue to live in the homes they already own, but may not build any addition, or a new house, using any materials produced or transported by fossil fuels.
Article 11: They may not have access to any medical procedure or diagnostic services unless they are absolutely sure that all devices are powered by clean energy.
Article 12: Each member of their family may speak only when strictly necessary, and only to a limit of 500 words per day. Unnecessary speech will produce extra CO2 — which, of course, eventually will kill us all.
Welcome to the Middle Ages!
Christine Whitaker is a freelance writer from Edgeley.