Ever heard of it? It's quite a piece of work. It says this is "the road map" for sustainable management of our state lands and natural resources. How it plans to do this is pretty chilling. DNR has put its shoulder into "generating" and "earning" millions in revenue of various kinds for "trust beneficiaries." Not little millions -- BIG millions, hundreds of millions. And a lot of this is tied to federally subsidized wind turbines on leased state trust lands. Federally subsidzed stuff isn't "free," it's not "revenue" -- these operations don't generate real profit. WE are concerned about the massive ARRA (stimulus) spending that's behind these distorted figures, related to "wind farm" revenue. Everyone should be. Energy customers, all of us, are being asked to pay even more in subsidies to support inefficient "renwables." Go back to this post about the pending 8.1% PSE tariff for all customers to pay for wind farms, among other things.
And the terms used in this "Agenda"? Sustainable, sustainable, and sustainable. And, this "Agenda" will have the DNR "address the challenges of climate change," complete with a "Climate Adaptation Strategy."
It's also supposed to "create renewable enegy JOBS." With something like 2% of all energy related to "renewables," that's been a lot of help (not).
There's so much to relay, we recommend that you sift the 60-page "Agenda" itself (did you catch the link) -- and also glance through this Year One "Strategic Plan Milestones and Performance Measures" report here to see how much money revolves around this. It's mind-boggling.
Notice that this program is loaded with rhetoric like you've never seen -- except for what's on every page of ICLEI and U.N.'s Agenda 21's master plans.
Coincidence? Not in the slightest. People - this agenda is here, and it's run deep.