If you're wondering where to start personally, how about the Comprehensive Plan for Whatcom County? The Growth Management Act requires local governments to file comprehensive plans to manage how we deal with:
- Sprawl reduction
- Concentrated urban growth
- Affordable housing
- Economic development
- Open space and recreation
- Regional transportation
- Environmental protection
- Property rights
- Natural resource industries
- Historic lands and buildings
- Permit processing
- Public facilities and services
- Early and continuous public participation
- Shoreline management
It's actually not difficult to throw crap the wall; you just have to show up and get your agenda added into the document. Of course, the illiberal control freak statists populate most of the boards and commissions, so they will reject your proposals. That's why we need to overwhelm them with as many audacious proposals as we can think of.
They haven't been letting any grass grow under their feet. The Whatcom County Comp Plan is chock full of land use constraints. You would be appalled at what you cannot do on your own property. Property that you have the privilege of paying taxes on not to use.
Some of the other features being written in, or attempting to be written in, include
- Removal of the term "property rights" from the plan, entirely.
- Permanent denial of any kind of land use around Cherry Point involving the export of fossil fuel.
- The deliberate devaluation of Cherry Point property to the extent that the Lummi Nation could purchase it. Conspiracy theory? No, conspiracy fact!
If we're going on a liberty offensive, we need to propose freedom validating agenda items, in addition to the ostentatious removal of oppressive-progressive agenda items, like the ones mentioned above, in numbers that would overwhelm the statists.
There's an old story about two television shows: Rowan & Martin's Laugh In (NBC), and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (CBS). Laugh In was getting the most outrageous skits and bits on the air, while Smothers Brothers were being constantly censored. It was their strategy: Laugh In would submit everything they could think of, even if they thought it was terrible. The Smothers Brothers would submit their best bits. Both teams of censors threw out about the same amount of stuff, but Laugh In gave them more stuff to throw out, leaving a lot more racy stuff to be left in. Think of it like this: The 'progressives' are like Laugh In; the freedom fighters are more like the Smothers Brothers. We need to get more like Laugh In. We should not be embarrassed to submit our most outrageous liberty-minded, property rights agenda to the Comp Plan (up to and including repealing the GMA, and discarding the very premise that We the People need to be regimented with a Comp Plan. Seriously, folks! We are citizens to be free, not subjects to be managed.

Kakistocracy Report
(Feel free to be offended!)
For about 100 years, starting around 1913, the beginning of the 'progressive' era during the Woodrow Wilson regime, and continuing with the Frankfurt School, liberty and freedom have been under attack. Freedom and liberty supporters played defense. For 100 years, we've been in defense of liberty, and look where it got us.
We need to take offense, and play offense. I keep hearing, and have said it myself, "once lost, liberty is nearly impossible to recover". That's only true if you're playing defense -- trying to defend your liberty. Don't defend liberty! Demand liberty! Make our illiberal oppressors defend their reasons for taking our liberty! Let's start kicking ass, and taking names!
Coming out of the Age of Enlightenment, the concepts of freedom and liberty were on the offense in the American Revolution, and we won against seemingly insurmountable odds. This nation was founded on the idea that the individual is the world's smallest minority, and that individual rights and responsibilities deserve the most respect. We are being oppressed. We have been playing defense for too long. The government is taking our freedom, and selling it back to us as permits. We must go on the offense! Join The Liberty Offensive!

The Constitution binds the government, and forces government to treat every citizen equally under the law. The Constitution frees the individual and private business. Everyone is at liberty to be as bigoted as we please. Other dissenting individuals and businesses are at liberty to boycott us. That's how things work in the free market of ideas. Not for very much longer.
A friend of mine was a Marine. He said that they were trained in hand-to-hand combat, to punch past the goal. If you mean to punch a man in the nose, aim for the back of his head. That way, you'll be sure to smash his nose. The left are already doing that. We cannot wait for the left to throw out their next outrageous idea, and try to fight it. Just by getting it out there, it gains a certain level of acceptance. Even if we object, and the judge says, "sustained", the jury cannot un-hear it. The defense rests. How many more times do you think the Supreme Court will say the right to keep and bear arms, is an individual right?
So what does it mean to join The Liberty Offensive? It means we need to start putting our ideas out there, for the jury to hear, even if the judge says, "overruled". We need to try to pass legislation that enhances individual liberty and responsibility, even if President Zero vetoes it. We need to write songs with liberty-laced lyrics. We need to write TV shows that celebrate freedom and responsibility. We need to mock and ridicule the ridiculous PC ninny-speak. As Bill Whittle likes to say, "we are the steely-eyed missile men who believe in loud guns, hot women and fast cars". We need to aim for the back of 'progressives' heads, just to be sure we smash their noses.
If the Republican party doesn't start going on the offensive for liberty, it will be left in the dust. The Democrat party have become increasingly 'socialist' (communist-lite), and the opposition party is supposed to provide a counterbalance. It means moving further to the right, to counterbalance the left. The Republicans are supposed to be the opposition to the Democrat party. But the most recent budget bill passed by the Republican-controlled congress, essentially passed the entire Democrat agenda. That is not opposition; that is capitulation!

Audit the Fed! Defund Planned Parenthood! Dismantle the IRS and the EPA! Dismantle the Department of Education! Get rid of as much oppressive bureaucracy as possible! If it isn't an enumerated power, lose it! Audacious? You bet! Non-starters? Maybe for the first 100 tries. The 'progressives' have been doing their crap like this for 100 years. We have to play the long game.
No more defense of liberty! This is The Liberty Offensive! We are offensive! We're here to throw crap against the wall faster than the left can scrape it off. The stickier the better. People just want to be left alone to live their lives, keep the stuff they earned, and be decent people, to the greatest extent possible. Even 'liberals'. Suck it up, lefties!