This piece of work, the "Bellingham Community Bill of Rights" sounds like it’s about America and apple pie at first, then it launches into a tirade about the evils of coal. Buried near the end this proceeds to grant inalienable rights for ecosystems and natural communities, and places those above the individual rights of humans.
A reasonable person might say that something like this could never be enacted. But we're talking about Bellingham where one loony law has been passed after another, setting precedent like the recent bag ban. Watch out, Whatcom!
WE could see this coming. Sharks form schools, and CELDF's aptly named "Democracy School" was reported by the Excavator soon after launch. According to very recent stories in the Herald and Cascadia Weekly there's local support. Even the national Daily Kos seems to think this has legs, given Bellingham’s reputation.
Surf the web and you'll find that Rick Dubrow, Stoney Bird and Transition Whatcom have been over the moon for more than a year for Thomas Linzey Esquire, who's hit on one tiny town and township after another sowing these wild seeds. Funded by moneybag heiress Theresa Heinz Kerry (yup, wife of Senator John Kerry) CELDF has been at this game for at least ten years. It's created quite a stir around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and it recently made an entry into Seattle feeding ambrosia to the deep green set.
It's widely known that Linzey visited Bellingham last fall to personally tutor former Bellingham Mayor Dan Pike plus a handful of like leaning city councilmen, and even one member of county council. "Democracy School" teaches the Queen Mother of conspiracy theories, claiming that our fledgling nation was corrupted by secretive aristocrats (those founding fokkers?) who hijacked the people to enslave us with the Constitution and deny the people communal bliss. To this day the underclass has been systematically cheated by an evil empire known as the "corporatocracy."
CELDF’s professed goal is “to eliminate corporate rights" and the "personhood" of businesses. The method would impose the will of communities (majorities) upon businesses and individuals, however a community sees fit. Of course this seems entirely outrageous, but state AG's have failed to pull the plug on these in other states.
Could such a thing pass in Bellingham? WE wonder, "What says the city attorney?" The papers have been mighty quiet since the big “launch” was described at the Herald blog on January 26th.
As remote as this may seem, who knows what will happen? This is one crazy town. Definitely take time to watch the kickoff videos.