There is no question that the role of "planning" has reached a critical tipping point. Like never before, PDS is proposing to literally decide where citizens are "permitted" to live based on population. And, other changes will increase government micro-management of how property is used when (and if) folks get permission to build or otherwise use their land in the unincorporated county.
On March 23rd Gary Davis, the PDS staff contact for this project, wrote:
"Following last night's public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to hold the written record open until 5:00 p.m. April 11. This will allow the public to continue to submit written comments before the April 12 work session. That work session is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. in the County Council Chambers, 311 Grand, Bellingham."
Mr. Davis has offered to field questions and direct comments. While we're sure he's willing to do that (his number is 676-6707 ext. 50246), we hope you also send your ideas and opinions directly to the Planning Commission(ers). Comments can be written and dropped off or mailed to: 5280 Northwest Drive, Bellingham, WA 98226.
Or, e-mail the commissioners at [email protected]
A great deal of personal freedom is at stake. Review the Planning and Development memo, the comp plan edits, and the zoning edits. Then let the Planning Commission know what you think. The clock is ticking.
If you can possibly make it, also attend that April 12th "work session." Citizens won't be permitted to address the Commission during the session (it's not a "public hearing"), but the Commission needs to see how many people are aware of, and concerned about, what's at stake.